Owl's Knot Masters
Pic Name Description ABOK# BSA
  M1. Make rope Create a rope of 3 strands, each of 3 yarns (at a minimum).    
  M2. Whip & Fuse Whip a natural fiber rope, and Fuse a synthetic fiber rope to prevent the end from fraying.   2w, B, 4w, tF
  M3. Rope Toss Coil a rope and use a small weight (like a large knot) to toss it accuratly 25 feet.    
  M4. Back splice Another way to prevent fraying at the end of a rope - makes the end larger in diameter also.    
  M5. Eye splice Create a loop or Eye in the end of a rope by reeving the strands back into the rope.    
  M6. Short splice Connect 2 ropes together by reeving the strands into the other rope.    
  M7. Long splice Connect 2 ropes together by reeving the strands into the other rope.    
